The Concept: Breaking the entire operations of ASBS in to micros – in such a way that the sum of all parts is bigger than the whole. Under this concept the 3 primary activities of managing a management program namely admissions –training & placements gets broken down to infinite micros-represented by passionate MBAs/Professionals –with minimum 2 years of experience .
Eligibility for AMTA
- Passionate professionals/MBAs preferably( not a had eligibility criteria though) from Top 20 B-schools including TISS , XLRI,IIMS, SPJIMR, JBIMS, NMIMS,TAPMI, Symbiosis with minimum 2 years of experience .
- Professionals who want to be involved in the mentoring & counseling process, the training aspects of MBA programs including one-2-one coaching, career path management includes placements.
- Who want to give it back to the society -in some form or the other and its education industry (MBA industry) and who would take pride in shaping careers and building lives.
- Passionate MBA guest faculties/visiting faculties of various B-schools who are just involved in the teaching process and are deprived of mentoring, one-2-one coaching & getting involved in the true management of MBA programs.
The role of AMTA
- This is not a full time assignment, neither is it a part time assignment but a CONVENIENT TIME assignment with full alignment of the AMTA’s passion with that of the role.
- AMTA is defined as Adjunct Mentor & Trainer of Akademia (AMTA) and hence the role gives flexibility/choice for the appointed AMTA to chose his/her set of activities –as per the capability & convenience set.
- The entire role description in described along with the pointage applicable in the AMTA Deliverables contract.
The AMTA Pointage Delivery contract
This detail out the points that an AMTA may earn for any of activities involved in the operations of ASBS. The AMTA contact can be applicable for 10, 20, 50,100,200 & multiples thereof upto 1000 points. However the maximum that an AMTA would start is association would be 100 point contract and gradually move to a 1000 point contract.
Training & Delivery (Maximum 60 % points)-Maximum 200 points contract
- Structuring of the conventional course( subject that is a part of the program flow) –with complete detailing of the classroom session plan, the off class activities, projects involved, evaluation, reading materials, reference texts/materials for every class as per the requirement of the ASBS head. This involves a one -2-one interaction with the ASBS head for signoff. – 5 points
- Introducing a new course/ new subject with complete detailing as mentioned in point 1 –that gets accepted by the management committee of ASBS. This involves an interaction with the ASBS management committee or ASBS head for signoff. – 10 points
- Structuring of case studies (will be treated as ASBS intellectual property with credits) with objective of the case –the desired outcomes after the case study discussion with annexures & references -that is accepted by the ASBS management committee. This involves an interaction with the ASBS management committee or ASBS head for signoff. – 3 points each.
- Every subject lecture( classroom) comprising of 90 minutes duration -that includes case studies, presentations etc – 2 points
- On the feedback from the students- If the feedback (applicable for minimum 20 hours classroom teaching) is a minimum of 8 on a scale of 10 then an additional 5 points will be awarded. The eligibility criteria – timely submission of the evaluation for the course as discussed with the ASBS head.
- Off class involvement :
- An AMTA may look forward to arrange Industrial visits ( after discussion with the ASBS head), accompany the students for the same – manage the same and submit a 2 page synopsis – per day- 5 points
- An AMTA may like to participate in some research oriented project that requires his/her supervision-guidance – per day-5 points
- Guide-mentor for an individual student for a semester –that captures the students development- assess the functional & soft skills requirement of the students including academics- provides solutions to improve the same- may involve meeting the students atleast 5 times in the semester-2 points per student per semester
Placements (Upto 100%) – Max 100 point contract
- AMTA may be involved in providing placements centric activities to improve the predictability of the employment chances of ASBS students. However under this activity the AMTA may use all his network to get AKADEMIA connected to various Corporates ( under the CIP initiative) to understand the corporate needs namely:
- Training
- Recruitment & Assessments
- Consulting
For every corporate that is connected with AKADEMIA – which may / may not result in actual participation of the corporate in the placement process—1 point
- AMTA who is able to get a corporate to visit us for placements- 2 points and for every student who is offered a job -5 points. Within this category even the average CTC as indicated by the corporate in its offer letter plays a vital role:
- For CTC upto 4 lacs p.a—5 points
- For CTC between 4-5 lacs p.a.—7 points
- For CTC between 5- 6 lacs—-10 points
- For CTC between 6 plus- 9 lacs -20 points
- Anything above this- 40 points
- AMTA will have the flexibility to get a corporate alliance for certain trained manpower requirements of the corporate that can be discussed and finalized with the ASBS head. Any such alliance that brings in bulk recruitment of 10 plus students – Over and above the aforesaid points mentioned in point 2- 20 points.
- Any Corporate Guest lecture arranged by the AMTA – that gets a feedback of minimum 8 on a scale of 10 – 2 points.
- If the guest faculty is from an extremely well established entity/ brand / company ( subjectively assessed by the ASBS & CIP head)- 5 points
The Admissions function (Upto 100%) – Max 300 point contract
An AMTA may be involved in the admissions process in various capacities as listed below:
- Able to arrange a seminar (for a minimum 50 students) wherein AKADEMIA is a able to spread awareness about its vision to establish ethical practices in the MBA industry- through its various product offerings.- 2 points
- Executing the aforesaid ( point a of this header)under the banner of Akademia- 2 points
- Getting involved in the selection process of the ASBS admissions process- 2 points.
- For every interview conducted & analysis submitted as per the process- 1 point
- Being a panelist in any GD process/ Presentation process/ on the Dias of Akademia for any other function- 1 point.
- An AMTA can be involved in the process of selling the ASBS application forms through their network. For every 2 forms sold( @ Rs.900) – 1 point
- An AMTA can also play the role of an Akademia Certified Mentor (ACM) – to guide the student from the pretest/post test times (a test is either a CAT/XAT/ATMA/MAT) till the student secures is admission & pays the 1st year fees for any of the ASBS offerings- 15 points per student.
Miscellaneous Functions- & point’s thereof
- An AMTA can be involved in the screening process of any of the staff member for any of the group companies of AKADEMIA, pure faculty appointments etc- 2 points
- Ideally an AMTA can create a multi level tree of future AMTA – max 4 levels and each level comprising of 4 AMTA ( including his level)- the points for which are as follows:
- Level 2- 4 AMTAs maximum- 5 points per AMTA- In addition the AMTA is eligible for 10% of the points collected by level 2 AMTAs
- Level 3-16 AMTAs- under level 2- 3 Points per AMTA- In addition the AMTA is eligible for 5% of the points collected by level 3 AMTAs
- Level 4-64 AMTAs- under level 3-1 point per AMTA- In addition the AMTA is eligible for 2% of the points collected by level 4 AMTAs
- However all the aforesaid points are applicable when an AMTA is on a 200 point delivered contract.
- Getting AKADEMIA connected to any of the top 20 B-schools for a ‘Training Program’—20 points
- Getting AKADEMIA connected for a corporate training assignment –in any of the NSE Fifty organization( subject to approval from the head of ASBS)-10 points plus 30% of the assignment compensation.
- Getting AKADEMIA connected for a corporate training assignment –in any of the NSE listed organization (subject to approval from the head of ASBS)-5 points plus 20% of the assignment compensation.
AMTA Compensation
AKADEMIA’s primary objective in appointing AMTAs across the country revolves around the fact it wants to facilitate the direction of passion of an MBA or a Professional (eligible AMTA) towards enriching the MBA industry and realize an AMTA’s dream to make a contribution to both society and the economy. Hence we have kept 3 options of compensation:
- Honorary Appointment with Social benefits: There is every possibility that an AMTA may be appointed on a honorary basis (as he/she is in a well paid position &/or their organization may not facilitate/allow a commercial AMTA assignment) then the payoff will be done to an NGO of the AMTA’s choice.
- Pure Monetary Appointment: AKADEMIA respects the fact that many professionals would like to direct their passion to enrich the MBA industry by being appointed as the AMTA and would like to be compensated for the same. Hence the monetary contract will a per point ( n points ) contract).The per point / contract -payoffs are customized and depends on the kind of contract- whether 50 points/ 100 points or 200 points and also is a function of the AMTAs qualification & experience criteria.
- Hybrid Compensation: An AMTA may prefer to split the potential compensation towards a partial monetary payoff (purely the prerogative of AMTA) and partially towards society.
For every monetary payoff that is directed by the AMTA towards an NGO (part of the commercial contract) – an equal amount will be donated by AKADEMIA towards the same – as a testimony to unite together in the process of both education management & societal contribution.( subject to ASBS Management approval)
AMTA participating NGOs &/or activities include the following:
- MBA Prof
- Towards free distribution of Test Prep Kits ( through Ace Education)
- Towards Press inviting contributions towards the education deprived